How complete are the CDC's COVID-19 Case Surveillance and NCHS datasets for deaths with race/ethnicity at the state and county levels?

May 24, 2021
Katrina Sostek
Work done as part of a Fellowship with the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at the Morehouse School of Medicine

In [ ]:
# How to update the data:
# 1. You may need to copy this colab so you have your own version.
# 2. Update the table name constants below to have the latest data's suffix.
# 3. Update the date variables below to be the last case date included in the data.
# 4. Updates the scatterplot max/min below in chart settings may need to be updated for more cases.
# 5. There are a few checks for the county_fips_mapping that we created due to issues with the CDC's.
#    Instructions are at
# 6. Many/all of the tables and text are not auto-updated. If you want to do a full updated of
#    the paper including text and tables, a lot of that is done in commented out PrintSummaryStats() statements.

import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data

from google.colab import auth

# Turn off the three-dot menu for Altair/Vega charts.
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format

# Project and table names.
PROJECT_ID = 'msm-secure-data-1b'
CDC_TABLE = '`%s.ndunlap_secure.cdc_restricted_access_20210430`' % PROJECT_ID
CRDT_TABLE = '`%s.ndunlap_secure.crdt_20210307`' % PROJECT_ID
NCHS_STATES_TABLE = '`msm-secure-data-1b.ndunlap_secure.cdc_provisional_deaths_state_20210414`'
NCHS_COUNTIES_TABLE = '`msm-secure-data-1b.ndunlap_secure.cdc_provisional_deaths_county_20210414`'
NCHS_STATES_CRDT_COMPARE_TABLE = '`msm-secure-data-1b.ndunlap_secure.cdc_provisional_deaths_state_20210303`'

# Dates in different formats.
DATE = 'DATE(2021, 04, 15)'
CRDT_DATE = '20210307'
CRDT_COMPARE_DATE = 'DATE(2021, 03, 07)'

# NCHS deaths data dates.
NCHS_DATE = 'DATE(2021, 4, 14)'
CRDT_NCHS_DATE = '20210303'

# Set the scatterplot max/min to better handle outliers (CA, Los Angeles).
CASES_RACE_SCALE_MAX = 60000 # known race/ethnicity

# Chart settings.
US_STATES_TOPO = alt.topo_feature(data.us_10m.url, 'states')
US_COUNTIES_TOPO = alt.topo_feature(data.us_10m.url+"#", 'counties')

TERRITORIES = ('PR', 'GU', 'VI', 'MP', 'AS')
NYT_TERRITORIES = ('Puerto Rico', 'Guam', 'Virgin Islands', 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'American Samoa')
STATES_TO_FIPS = {'AL': 1, 'AK': 2, 'AZ': 4, 'AR': 5, 'AS': 3, 'CA': 6, 'CO': 8, 'CT': 9, 'DC': 11, 'DE': 10, 'FL': 12, 'GA': 13, 'GU': 14, 'HI': 15, 'ID': 16, 'IL': 17, 'IN': 18, 'IA': 19, 'KS': 20, 'KY': 21, 'LA': 22, 'ME': 23, 'MD': 24, 'MA': 25, 'MI': 26, 'MN': 27, 'MS': 28, 'MO': 29, 'MT': 30, 'NE': 31, 'NV': 32, 'NH': 33, 'NJ': 34, 'NM': 35, 'NY': 36, 'NC': 37, 'ND': 38, 'OH': 39, 'OK': 40, 'OR': 41, 'PA': 42, 'PR': 43, 'RI': 44, 'SC': 45, 'SD': 46, 'TN': 47, 'TX': 48, 'UT': 49, 'VT': 50, 'VA': 51, 'VI': 52, 'WA': 53, 'WV': 54, 'WI': 55, 'WY': 56, 'AS': 60, 'GU': 66, 'MP': 69, 'PR': 72, 'VI': 78, 'NYC': 36}
STATES_TO_ABBREVIATIONS = {'Alabama': 'AL', 'Alaska': 'AK', 'Arizona': 'AZ', 'Arkansas': 'AR', 'California': 'CA', 'Colorado': 'CO', 'Connecticut': 'CT', 'Delaware': 'DE', 'District of Columbia': 'DC', 'Florida': 'FL', 'Georgia': 'GA', 'Hawaii': 'HI', 'Idaho': 'ID', 'Illinois': 'IL', 'Indiana': 'IN', 'Iowa': 'IA', 'Kansas': 'KS', 'Kentucky': 'KY', 'Louisiana': 'LA', 'Maine': 'ME', 'Maryland': 'MD', 'Massachusetts': 'MA', 'Michigan': 'MI', 'Minnesota': 'MN', 'Mississippi': 'MS', 'Missouri': 'MO', 'Montana': 'MT', 'Nebraska': 'NE', 'Nevada': 'NV', 'New Hampshire': 'NH', 'New Jersey': 'NJ', 'New Mexico': 'NM', 'New York': 'NY', 'North Carolina': 'NC', 'North Dakota': 'ND', 'Ohio': 'OH', 'Oklahoma': 'OK', 'Oregon': 'OR', 'Pennsylvania': 'PA', 'Rhode Island': 'RI', 'South Carolina': 'SC', 'South Dakota': 'SD', 'Tennessee': 'TN', 'Texas': 'TX', 'Utah': 'UT', 'Vermont': 'VT', 'Virginia': 'VA', 'Washington': 'WA', 'West Virginia': 'WV', 'Wisconsin': 'WI', 'Wyoming': 'WY'}

    'Asian, Non-Hispanic': 'asian_cases',
    'Black, Non-Hispanic': 'black_cases',
    'White, Non-Hispanic': 'white_cases',
    'American Indian/Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic': 'aian_cases',
    'Hispanic/Latino': 'hispanic_cases',
    'Multiple/Other, Non-Hispanic': 'other_cases',
    'Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic': 'nhpi_cases',
    'Missing': 'unknown_cases',
    'Unknown': 'unknown_cases',
    'NA': 'na_cases',
   'Asian, Non-Hispanic': 'cdc_known_cases',
   'Black, Non-Hispanic': 'cdc_known_cases',
   'White, Non-Hispanic': 'cdc_known_cases',
   'American Indian/Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic': 'cdc_known_cases',
   'Hispanic/Latino': 'cdc_known_cases',
   'Multiple/Other, Non-Hispanic': 'cdc_known_cases',
   'Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic': 'cdc_known_cases',
   'Missing': 'cdc_unknown_cases',
   'Unknown': 'cdc_unknown_cases',
   'NA': 'cdc_na_cases',
In [ ]:
  COUNT(*) as cases
  death_yn = 'Yes'
''' % CDC_TABLE)

  State as state,
  Deaths_Total as crdt_cases,
  Deaths_Total - Deaths_Unknown as crdt_known_race_cases,
  ROUND(1 - Deaths_Unknown / Deaths_Total, 4) as crdt_known_race_cases_percent,
  date = %s


  deaths as nyt_cases,
FROM `bigquery-public-data.covid19_nyt.us_states`
  date = %s AND
  state_fips_code IS NOT NULL


  COUNT(*) as cdc_cases
  death_yn = 'Yes'
''' % CDC_TABLE)

  deaths as nyt_cases,
FROM `bigquery-public-data.covid19_nyt.us_counties`
  date = %s AND
  county_fips_code IS NOT NULL


  COUNT(*) as cdc_cases
  death_yn = 'Yes'
''' % CDC_TABLE)



  COUNT(*) as cdc_cases
  death_yn = 'Yes'
''' % CDC_TABLE)

  COUNT(*) as cdc_cases
  death_yn = 'Yes' AND
  cdc_case_earliest_dt <= %s

  Indicator = "Distribution of COVID-19 deaths (%%)" AND
  State = 'United States'

  Indicator = "Count of COVID-19 deaths" AND
  State = 'United States'

# Group = "By Total" added for April 28 file.
# `Group` = "By Total" AND
  Indicator = "Distribution of COVID-19 deaths (%%)" AND
  State != 'United States'

# Group = "By Total" added for April 28 file.
# `Group` = "By Total" AND
  Indicator = "Count of COVID-19 deaths" AND
  State != 'United States'

  Indicator = "Distribution of COVID-19 deaths (%%)"
In [ ]:
def FieldAnalysis(project_id, table, field_list, title, calculate_race_ethnicity=False):
  dict = {}
  for field in field_list:
      dict[field] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  unknowns = pd.DataFrame(dict, index=['Unknown', 'Missing', 'NA', 'Known'])
  field_series = []
  value_series = []
  percent_series = []
  cases_series = []
  chart_denominator = 1000

  for field in field_list:
    field_unknowns_query = ('''
      count(*) as cases
      death_yn = 'Yes'
    if calculate_race_ethnicity and field == 'race_ethnicity_combined':
      field_unknowns_query = ('''
        CASE ethnicity = "Non-Hispanic/Latino"
          WHEN true THEN race
          ELSE ethnicity
        END as %s,
        count(*) as cases
      GROUP BY
    query = field_unknowns_query % (field, table, field)
    field_unknowns_df =, project_id=project_id)
    field_unknowns_df.set_index(field, inplace=True)
    field_unknowns_df.index = field_unknowns_df.index.fillna('Null')

    field_display_name = {
        'cdc_case_earliest_dt': 'CDC earliest case date',
        'current_status': 'Case status',
        'res_state': 'State',
        'res_county': 'County',
        'sex': 'Sex',
        'age_group': 'Age',
        'race_ethnicity_combined': 'Race/Ethnicity',
        'race': 'Race',
        'ethnicity': 'Ethnicity',
        'case_month': 'Case month'

    missing_count = 0
    if 'Missing' in field_unknowns_df.index:
      missing_count += field_unknowns_df.loc['Missing'].cases
    if 'Null' in field_unknowns_df.index:
      missing_count += field_unknowns_df.loc['Null'].cases
    if '' in field_unknowns_df.index:
      missing_count += field_unknowns_df.loc[''].cases
    if 'OTH' in field_unknowns_df.index:
      missing_count += field_unknowns_df.loc['OTH'].cases
    if 'nul' in field_unknowns_df.index:
      missing_count += field_unknowns_df.loc['nul'].cases
    unknowns.loc['Missing', field] = missing_count

    if 'Unknown' in field_unknowns_df.index:
      unknowns.loc['Unknown', field] = field_unknowns_df.loc['Unknown'].cases
    if 'NA' in field_unknowns_df.index:
      unknowns.loc['NA', field] = field_unknowns_df.loc['NA'].cases
    unknowns.loc['Known', field] = field_unknowns_df.cases.sum() - (
        unknowns.loc['Missing', field] +
        unknowns.loc['Unknown', field] +
        unknowns.loc['NA', field])
    field_series.extend([field_display_name.get(field, field)] * 4)
    value_series.extend(['Known', 'Suppressed', 'Unknown', 'Missing'])
    percent_series.extend([unknowns.loc['Known', field] / field_unknowns_df.cases.sum(),
                           unknowns.loc['NA', field] / field_unknowns_df.cases.sum(),
                           unknowns.loc['Unknown', field] / field_unknowns_df.cases.sum(),
                           unknowns.loc['Missing', field] / field_unknowns_df.cases.sum()])
    cases_series.extend([unknowns.loc['Known', field] / chart_denominator,
                           unknowns.loc['NA', field] / chart_denominator,
                           unknowns.loc['Unknown', field] / chart_denominator,
                           unknowns.loc['Missing', field] / chart_denominator])
    bars = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'field': field_series,
                               'value': value_series,
                               'percent': percent_series,
                               'cases': cases_series})
  return alt.Chart(bars).mark_bar().encode(
      x=alt.X('percent', axis=alt.Axis(format='%'), title=''),
      y=alt.Y('field', sort='x', title='Field'),
      color=alt.Color('value', scale=alt.Scale(scheme='category20'), title='Value'),
                  alt.Tooltip('field:N', title='Field'),
                  alt.Tooltip('value:N', title='Value'),
                  alt.Tooltip('percent:Q', format=',.0%', title='Percent'),
                  alt.Tooltip('cases:Q', format=',.2f', title='Deaths in group (thousands)'),

def CreateNYTStateDataframe(query, include_territories=False):
  nyt_states_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
  if not include_territories:
    for territory in NYT_TERRITORIES:
      nyt_states_df = nyt_states_df[nyt_states_df.state_name != territory]
  nyt_states_df['state_fips_code'] = nyt_states_df.state_fips_code.astype(int)
  nyt_states_df.set_index('state_fips_code', inplace=True)
  return nyt_states_df

def CreateCDCStateDataframe(query):
  states_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
  for state in ('Unknown', 'NA', 'Missing', 'OCONUS'):
    states_df = states_df[states_df.res_state != state]
  states_df.rename(columns={'res_state': 'state'}, inplace=True)
  states_df['state_fips_code'] = states_df.state
  states_df = states_df.replace(to_replace={'state_fips_code': STATES_TO_FIPS})
  states_df['state_fips_code'] = states_df.state_fips_code.astype(int)
  states_df.set_index('state_fips_code', inplace=True)
  return states_df

def CreateCDCStateRaceDataframe(query, cases_field_prefix, include_territories=False):
  states_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
  for state in ('Unknown', 'NA', 'Missing', 'OCONUS'):
    states_df = states_df[states_df.res_state != state]

  states_df['race_ethnicity_combined'] = states_df.race_ethnicity_combined.astype('string').str.strip()
  states_df = states_df.replace(to_replace={'race_ethnicity_combined': RACE_ETHNICITY_COMBINED_KNOWN_MAP})
  states_df.rename(columns={'res_state': 'state'}, inplace=True)

  cases_field = cases_field_prefix + 'cases' 
  crosstab_df = pd.crosstab(states_df['state'],
  # Have to reset_index() to go from pandas multi-index to single index.
  crosstab_df = crosstab_df.reset_index()
  crosstab_df.drop(axis=0, index=len(crosstab_df) - 1, inplace=True)
  crosstab_df[cases_field_prefix + 'known_cases'] = crosstab_df[cases_field] - crosstab_df.cdc_na_cases.fillna(0) - crosstab_df.cdc_unknown_cases.fillna(0)
  crosstab_df[cases_field_prefix + 'known_or_na_cases'] = crosstab_df[cases_field] - crosstab_df.cdc_unknown_cases.fillna(0)
  crosstab_df[cases_field_prefix + 'known_cases_percent'] = round(
      crosstab_df[cases_field_prefix + 'known_cases'] /
      crosstab_df[cases_field], 4)
  crosstab_df[cases_field_prefix + 'known_or_na_cases_percent'] = round(
      crosstab_df[cases_field_prefix + 'known_or_na_cases'] /
      crosstab_df[cases_field], 4)
  crosstab_df['state_fips_code'] = crosstab_df.state
  crosstab_df = crosstab_df.replace(to_replace={'state_fips_code': STATES_TO_FIPS})

  # Remove territories and missing states for calculating summary stats.
  if not include_territories:
    for territory in TERRITORIES:
      crosstab_df = crosstab_df[crosstab_df.state != territory]
  crosstab_df = crosstab_df[crosstab_df.state != 'NA']
  crosstab_df = crosstab_df[crosstab_df.state != 'Missing']
  crosstab_df = crosstab_df[crosstab_df.state != 'Unknown']
  crosstab_df.set_index('state_fips_code', inplace=True)
  return crosstab_df

def CreateCRDTStateRaceDataframe(query):
  crdt_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
  for territory in TERRITORIES:
    crdt_df = crdt_df[crdt_df.state != territory]
  crdt_df['state_fips_code'] = crdt_df.state
  crdt_df = crdt_df.replace(to_replace={'state_fips_code': STATES_TO_FIPS})
  crdt_df['state_fips_code'] = crdt_df.state_fips_code.astype(int)
  crdt_df.set_index('state_fips_code', inplace=True)
  return crdt_df

def CreateNYTCountyDataframe(query):
  nyt_counties_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
  nyt_counties_df.rename(columns={'county_fips_code': 'county_fips'}, inplace=True)
  nyt_counties_df['county_fips'] = nyt_counties_df.county_fips.astype(int)
  nyt_counties_df.set_index('county_fips', inplace=True)
  return nyt_counties_df

def CreateCDCCountyRaceDataframe(query, cases_field_prefix):
  cdc_counties_race_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
  for territory in TERRITORIES:
    cdc_counties_race_df = cdc_counties_race_df[cdc_counties_race_df.res_state != territory]

  county_fips_map_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)

  county_fips_map_df.cdc_county = county_fips_map_df.cdc_county.str.lower()
  county_fips_map_df['state_county'] = county_fips_map_df.state + '-' + county_fips_map_df.cdc_county
  county_fips_map_df['state_county'] = county_fips_map_df.state_county.astype('string').str.strip()
  county_fips_map_df.set_index('state_county', inplace=True)

  # Concatenate the state and county names because county names are not unique across states.
  cdc_counties_race_df.res_county = cdc_counties_race_df.res_county.str.lower()
  cdc_counties_race_df['state_county'] = cdc_counties_race_df.res_state + '-' + cdc_counties_race_df.res_county
  cdc_counties_race_df['state_county'] = cdc_counties_race_df.state_county.astype('string').str.strip()
  cdc_counties_race_df.set_index('state_county', inplace=True)
  cdc_counties_race_df['race_ethnicity_combined'] = cdc_counties_race_df.race_ethnicity_combined.astype('string').str.strip()
  cdc_counties_race_df = cdc_counties_race_df.replace(to_replace={'race_ethnicity_combined': RACE_ETHNICITY_COMBINED_MAP})

  # Printed value used in the footnotes below.
  # All other checks for county_fips_code mappings are now in
  mismatches_df = cdc_counties_race_df.join(county_fips_map_df, on="state_county", how='outer', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')
  mismatches_df = mismatches_df[mismatches_df.county_fips.isna()]
  mismatches_df = mismatches_df[mismatches_df.res_state != 'NA']
  mismatches_df = mismatches_df[mismatches_df.res_state != 'Unknown']
  mismatches_df = mismatches_df[mismatches_df.res_county != 'na']
  mismatches_df = mismatches_df[mismatches_df.res_county != 'unknown']
  mismatches_df = mismatches_df[mismatches_df.res_county != 'missing']
  # print(mismatches_df.cases.sum())

  cdc_counties_race_df = cdc_counties_race_df.join(county_fips_map_df, on="state_county", how='inner', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')

  cases_field = cases_field_prefix + 'cases'
  # Create a crosstab table with rows = counties, columns = race_ethnicity_combined.
  cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df = pd.crosstab(cdc_counties_race_df['county_fips'],
  # Have to reset_index() to go from pandas multi-index to single index.
  cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df = cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df.reset_index()
  cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df.drop(axis=0, index=len(cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df) - 1, inplace=True)
  cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df['county_fips'] = cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df.county_fips.astype(int)
  cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df[cases_field_prefix + 'known_cases'] = (
      cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df[cases_field] -
      cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df.na_cases.fillna(0) -

  # Get the display names for each county.
  # Use ACS data that only has one FIPS code per county unlike the fips_county_map.
  acs_name_lookup_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)

  acs_name_lookup_df['state_county'] = (acs_name_lookup_df.county.astype('string').str.strip() +
                                        ', ' + acs_name_lookup_df.state.astype('string').str.strip())
  acs_name_lookup_df.drop(columns=['state', 'county'], inplace=True)
  acs_name_lookup_df.set_index('county_fips', inplace=True)

  cdc_counties_race_df = cdc_counties_race_crosstab_df.join(acs_name_lookup_df, on="county_fips", how='inner', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')
  cdc_counties_race_df.county_fips = cdc_counties_race_df.county_fips.astype(int)
  cdc_counties_race_df.set_index('county_fips', inplace=True)
  return cdc_counties_race_df

def CreateNCHSStateDataframe(table_name):
  nchs_deaths_state_df =
      NCHS_STATES_QUERY_STR % table_name, project_id=PROJECT_ID)

  nchs_deaths_state_df = nchs_deaths_state_df.replace(
      to_replace={'State': STATES_TO_ABBREVIATIONS})
  nchs_deaths_state_counts_df =
      NCHS_STATE_COUNTS_QUERY_STR % table_name, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
  nchs_deaths_state_counts_df = nchs_deaths_state_counts_df.replace(
      to_replace={'State': STATES_TO_ABBREVIATIONS})

  nchs_deaths_state_df['cdc_known_cases_percent'] = round((
      nchs_deaths_state_df.Non_Hispanic_White.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_state_df.Non_Hispanic_Black_or_African_American.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_state_df.Non_Hispanic_American_Indian_or_Alaska_Native.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_state_df.Non_Hispanic_Asian.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_state_df.Non_Hispanic_Native_Hawaiian_or_Other_Pacific_Islander.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_state_df.Hispanic_or_Latino.fillna(0)) / 100, 4)
  nchs_deaths_state_counts_df['cdc_known_cases'] = round(
      nchs_deaths_state_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_White.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_state_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_Black_or_African_American.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_state_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_American_Indian_or_Alaska_Native.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_state_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_Asian.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_state_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_Native_Hawaiian_or_Other_Pacific_Islander.fillna(0) +
  nchs_deaths_state_df = nchs_deaths_state_df.set_index('State')
  nchs_deaths_state_counts_df = nchs_deaths_state_counts_df.set_index('State')
  nchs_deaths_state_df = nchs_deaths_state_df.join(
      nchs_deaths_state_counts_df, on="State", how='inner', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')

  # Extrapolate from the % known race/ethnicity cases and their counts to the total case count for the state.
  nchs_deaths_state_df['cdc_cases'] = round(
      nchs_deaths_state_df.cdc_known_cases / nchs_deaths_state_df.cdc_known_cases_percent, 0)

  # Comnbine the case counts for NY and New York City, recalculate percentage, remove New York City. 
  nchs_deaths_state_df.loc['NY', 'cdc_cases'] = (
      nchs_deaths_state_df.loc['NY', 'cdc_cases'] +
      nchs_deaths_state_df.loc['New York City', 'cdc_cases'])
  nchs_deaths_state_df.loc['NY', 'cdc_known_cases'] = (
      nchs_deaths_state_df.loc['NY', 'cdc_known_cases'] +
      nchs_deaths_state_df.loc['New York City', 'cdc_known_cases'])
  nchs_deaths_state_df.loc['NY', 'cdc_known_cases_percent'] = round(
      nchs_deaths_state_df.loc['NY', 'cdc_known_cases'] /
      nchs_deaths_state_df.loc['NY', 'cdc_cases'], 4)
  nchs_deaths_state_df.drop(['New York City'], inplace=True)

  nchs_deaths_state_df.rename(columns={'State': 'state'}, inplace=True)
  nchs_deaths_state_df = nchs_deaths_state_df[
      ['state', 'cdc_cases', 'cdc_known_cases', 'cdc_known_cases_percent']].copy()
  nchs_deaths_state_df['state_fips_code'] = nchs_deaths_state_df.state
  nchs_deaths_state_df = nchs_deaths_state_df.replace(to_replace={'state_fips_code': STATES_TO_FIPS})
  return nchs_deaths_state_df

def CreateNCHSCountyDataframe(query):
  df_acs_name_lookup =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
  df_acs_name_lookup.set_index('county_fips', inplace=True)

  nchs_deaths_county_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)

  nchs_deaths_county_df['county_fips'] = nchs_deaths_county_df.FIPS_Code
  nchs_deaths_county_df.set_index('county_fips', inplace=True)
  nchs_deaths_county_df['state_county'] = nchs_deaths_county_df.County_Name + ', ' + nchs_deaths_county_df.State
  nchs_deaths_county_df['total_known_cases'] = round((
      nchs_deaths_county_df.Non_Hispanic_White.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_county_df.Non_Hispanic_Black.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_county_df.Non_Hispanic_American_Indian_or_Alaska_Native.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_county_df.Non_Hispanic_Asian.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_county_df.Non_Hispanic_Native_Hawaiian_or_Other_Pacific_Islander.fillna(0) +
      nchs_deaths_county_df.Hispanic.fillna(0)) * nchs_deaths_county_df.COVID_19_Deaths, 0)

  nchs_deaths_county_df = nchs_deaths_county_df.join(df_acs_name_lookup, on="county_fips", how='inner', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')
  nchs_deaths_county_df.county_fips = nchs_deaths_county_df.county_fips.astype(int)
  nchs_deaths_county_df.set_index('county_fips', inplace=True)
  return nchs_deaths_county_df

def CreateScatterPlot(
    chart_df, fields_dict, title, scale_max, height, width, geo, metric_type):
  geo_field = 'state'
  geo_field_display_name = 'State'
  if geo == 'county':
    geo_field = 'state_county'
    geo_field_display_name = 'County'

  if metric_type == 'ratio':
    scale_scheme = 'blueorange'
    scale_reverse = True
    scale_domain = [0, 2]
    legend_format = '.1f'
    axis_format = ',.0f'
  elif metric_type == 'percent':
    scale_scheme = 'redyellowblue'
    scale_reverse = False
    scale_domain = [0, 1]
    legend_format = '.0%'
    axis_format = '.0%'

  tooltips = [alt.Tooltip(geo_field + ':N', title=geo_field_display_name)]
  for field in ('y', 'x', 'percent'):
        fields_dict[field]['name'] + ':Q',
  plot = alt.Chart(chart_df).mark_circle(size=60).encode(
      alt.X(fields_dict['x']['name'] + ':Q', axis=alt.Axis(title=fields_dict['x']['title'], format=axis_format),
          scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, scale_max))
      alt.Y(fields_dict['y']['name'] + ':Q', axis=alt.Axis(title=fields_dict['y']['title'], format=axis_format),
          scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, scale_max))
  if metric_type == 'ratio':

  line = pd.DataFrame({
      'x': [0, scale_max],
      'y': [0, scale_max],

  if metric_type == 'ratio':
    line_plot = alt.Chart(line).mark_line(color='black').encode(
  elif metric_type == 'percent':
    line_plot = (
        alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({'x': [.5]})).mark_rule().encode(y='x') +
        alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({'y': [.5]})).mark_rule().encode(x='y')
  # Add interative for concatenating due to
  scatter = (plot + line_plot).properties(
  return scatter

def CreateMap(
    chart_df, fields_dict, title, scale_max, height, width, geo, metric_type):
  geo_field = 'state'
  geo_field_display_name = 'State'
  fips_code = 'state_fips_code'
  topo_feature = US_STATES_TOPO
  if geo == 'county':
    geo_field = 'state_county'
    geo_field_display_name = 'County'
    fips_code = 'county_fips'
    topo_feature = US_COUNTIES_TOPO

  if metric_type == 'ratio':
    scale_scheme = 'blueorange'
    scale_reverse = True
    scale_domain = [0, 2]
    legend_format = '.1f'
  elif metric_type == 'percent':
    scale_scheme = 'redyellowblue'
    scale_reverse = False
    scale_domain = [0, 1]
    legend_format = '.0%'

  highlight = alt.selection_single(on='mouseover', fields=['id', fips_code], empty='none')
  tooltips = [alt.Tooltip(geo_field + ':N', title=geo_field_display_name)]
  for field in ('y', 'x', 'percent'):
        fields_dict[field]['name'] + ':Q',

  field_names = [geo_field]
  field_names.extend([fields_dict[field]['name'] for field in fields_dict])
  plot = alt.Chart(topo_feature).mark_geoshape(
        from_=alt.LookupData(chart_df, fips_code, field_names)

  states_outline = alt.Chart(US_STATES_TOPO).mark_geoshape(stroke='white', strokeWidth=1.5, fillOpacity=0, fill='white').project(

  states_fill = alt.Chart(US_STATES_TOPO).mark_geoshape(

  layered_map = alt.layer(states_fill, plot, states_outline).properties(
  return layered_map

def CreateScatterPlotAndMap(
    chart_df, fields_dict, title, total_cases_scale_max, scatter_height, scatter_width, map_width, geo, metric_type):
  scatter = CreateScatterPlot(
    chart_df, fields_dict, title, total_cases_scale_max, scatter_height, scatter_width, geo, metric_type)
  map = CreateMap(
    chart_df, fields_dict, title, total_cases_scale_max, scatter_height, map_width, geo, metric_type)
  return (scatter | map).configure_view(
       gradientLength=scatter_height - 50

def PrintSummaryStats(chart_df, field='percent'):
  plus_minus_15_df = chart_df[chart_df[field] >= .85]
  plus_minus_15_df = plus_minus_15_df[plus_minus_15_df[field] <= 1.15]
  print('between +/-15%: ', len(plus_minus_15_df), round(len(plus_minus_15_df) / len(chart_df), 2))
  plus_minus_50_df = chart_df[chart_df[field] >= .50]
  plus_minus_50_df = plus_minus_50_df[plus_minus_50_df[field] <= 1.50]
  print('between +/-50%: ', len(plus_minus_50_df), round(len(plus_minus_50_df) / len(chart_df), 2))
  print('< than .50: ', len(chart_df[chart_df[field] < .5]))
  print('> than 1.50: ', len(chart_df[chart_df[field] > 1.5]))


The Covid Tracking Project was the most reliable source for COVID-19 data with race/ethnicity at the state level until it stopped collecting data on March 7, 2021. The CDC's Case Surveillance Restricted Access and National Center for Health Statistics provisional deaths datasets are the best available replacements for the Covid Tracking Project's dataset, and they additionally include county-level data and age along with race/ethnicity. This paper evaluates the completeness of the CDC datasets at the state and county levels in terms of (1) the total number of deaths included compared to the New York Times, and (2) the number of deaths included with race/ethnicity data compared to the Covid Tracking Project.

The CDC's Restricted Access dataset contains 79% of the deaths in the New York Times up to April 15, and 84% of deaths have race/ethnicity information vs. 93% in the Covid Tracking Project. At the state and county levels, the dataset's completeness is highly variable with 11 states reporting fewer than 10% of deaths and eight reporting 0% of the deaths included in the New York Times. The National Center for Health Statistics' dataset is highly complete in all states except for North Carolina. At the county level, the National Center for Health Statistics' dataset is more complete within the counties it contains, but it only contains counties with at least 100 COVID-19 deaths, which are generally counties with larger populations.


This analysis picks up where the case data completeness analysis left off to evaluate COVID-19 deaths data with race/ethnicity at the state and county levels.

While we only have three options for COVID-19 case data with race/ethnicity, we have five options for COVID-19 deaths data with race/ethnicity:

  1. Covid Racial Data Tracker: States updated twice a week until March 7, 2021
  2. American Public Media Research Lab: States updated monthly until March 5, 2021
  3. CDC's Case Surveillance Restricted Access dataset: States and counties updated every two weeks (monthly until May 2021)
  4. CDC's Case Surveillance Public Use with Geography dataset: States and counties updated every two weeks (monthly until May 2021)
  5. CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) provisional deaths datasets: State and County data updated weekly

In the case data completeness analysis, we compared the CDC's Restricted Access dataset to the New York Times and Covid Racial Data Tracker. In this analysis, we'll compare the CDC's Restricted Access dataset and NCHS datasets to those data sources. We won't analyze the CDC's Public Use with Geography dataset because it is similar to the Restricted Access dataset but has more privacy suppression.

Our analysis shows that the CDC's Case Surveillance Restricted Access dataset has two main data completeness issues:

  • Only 79% of total deaths in the New York Times up to April 15 are included (119K out of 565K deaths are missing)
  • Of those deaths, 84% have known race/ethnicity (73K out of 446K deaths are missing race/ethnicity)

For the 373K deaths where we do know race/ethnicity, we can see the following disparities across race/ethnicity groups:

In [ ]:
overall_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
overall_df['race_ethnicity_combined'] = overall_df.race_ethnicity_combined.astype('string').str.strip()
overall_df = overall_df.replace(to_replace={'race_ethnicity_combined': RACE_ETHNICITY_COMBINED_MAP})
overall_df = overall_df.set_index('race_ethnicity_combined')

chart_denominator = 1000
cases_list = [overall_df.cases['hispanic_cases'] / chart_denominator,
         overall_df.cases['black_cases'] / chart_denominator,
         overall_df.cases['white_cases'] / chart_denominator,
         overall_df.cases['asian_cases'] / chart_denominator,
         overall_df.cases['nhpi_cases'] / chart_denominator,
         overall_df.cases['aian_cases'] / chart_denominator,
         overall_df.cases.sum() / chart_denominator,

# Population data from,DP05_0071E,DP05_0078E,DP05_0077E,DP05_0080E,DP05_0081E,DP05_0079E,DP05_0070E&for=us:1
pop_list = [
    60481746 / chart_denominator,
    40596040  / chart_denominator,
    196789401 / chart_denominator,
    18427914  / chart_denominator,
    565473 / chart_denominator,
    2236348 / chart_denominator,
    328239523 / chart_denominator,
percent_list = []
for i in range(len(cases_list)):
  percent_list.append(cases_list[i] / pop_list[i])
prevalence = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'group': [
    'Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander',
    'American Indian/Alaska Native',
    '*Total Including Unknowns*',
], 'percent': percent_list,
   'cases': cases_list,
   'population': pop_list,

bars = alt.Chart(prevalence).mark_bar().encode(
      x=alt.X('percent', axis=alt.Axis(format='.2%'), scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, .0029)), title=''),
      y=alt.Y('group', sort='-x', title=''),
                  alt.Tooltip('group:N', title='Race/Ethnicity Group'),
                  alt.Tooltip('percent:Q', format='.3%', title='Percent who died'),
                  alt.Tooltip('cases:Q', format=',.2f', title='Deaths in group (thousands)'),
                  alt.Tooltip('population:Q', format=',.0f', title='Population of group (thousands)'),
   title='Percent of Race/Ethnicity Group who died from COVID-19 based on incomplete CDC Data up to %s' % DATE_DISPLAY_NAME)


#    title=alt.TitleParams(
#        ['Source: U.S. Census Bureau\'s American Community Survey 2019 5-year estimates for population data.'],
#        baseline='bottom',
#        dy=20,
#        orient='bottom',
#        fontWeight='normal',
#        fontSize=11
#    )

The chart above is based on incomplete data. With only 79% of deaths included, the total percent of people who died from COVID-19 should be 0.17% instead of 0.14%. It's harder to estimate how much the race/ethnicity groups are undercounting the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths. If we added all 73K deaths with missing race/ethnicity to the Hispanic/Latino group, the percent of Hispanic/Latinos in the U.S. who died from COVID-19 would go from 0.11% to 0.23% — a 2x increase. If all 73K deaths with missing race/ethnicity were Black people, the percent of Black people who died from COVID-19 would go from 0.12% to 0.30% — a 2.5x increase. While these extreme scenarios are unlikely, they show us why missing race/ethnicity data is preventing us from truly understanding and addressing the disparities in the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.

We can get a more complete view of the deaths within each race/ethnicity group from the NCHS State dataset, which contains 97% of the deaths in the New York Times up to April 14, where 99% of those deaths have race/ethnicity information.

In [ ]:
overall_provisional_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
overall_provisional_counts_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)

overall_provisional_df['cdc_known_cases_percent'] = round((
    overall_provisional_df.Non_Hispanic_White.fillna(0) +
    overall_provisional_df.Non_Hispanic_Black_or_African_American.fillna(0) +
    overall_provisional_df.Non_Hispanic_American_Indian_or_Alaska_Native.fillna(0) +
    overall_provisional_df.Non_Hispanic_Asian.fillna(0) +
    overall_provisional_df.Non_Hispanic_Native_Hawaiian_or_Other_Pacific_Islander.fillna(0) +
    overall_provisional_df.Hispanic_or_Latino.fillna(0)) / 100, 4)
overall_provisional_counts_df['cdc_known_cases'] = round(
    overall_provisional_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_White.fillna(0) +
    overall_provisional_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_Black_or_African_American.fillna(0) +
    overall_provisional_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_American_Indian_or_Alaska_Native.fillna(0) +
    overall_provisional_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_Asian.fillna(0) +
    overall_provisional_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_Native_Hawaiian_or_Other_Pacific_Islander.fillna(0) +
# Extrapolate from the % known race/ethnicity cases and their counts to the total case count for the state.
total_cases_including_unknowns = round(
    overall_provisional_counts_df.cdc_known_cases[0] / overall_provisional_df.cdc_known_cases_percent[0], 0)

chart_denominator = 1000
cases_list = [overall_provisional_counts_df.Hispanic_or_Latino[0] / chart_denominator,
              overall_provisional_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_Black_or_African_American[0] / chart_denominator,
              overall_provisional_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_White[0] / chart_denominator,
              overall_provisional_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_Asian[0] / chart_denominator,
              overall_provisional_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_Native_Hawaiian_or_Other_Pacific_Islander[0] / chart_denominator,
              overall_provisional_counts_df.Non_Hispanic_American_Indian_or_Alaska_Native[0] / chart_denominator,
              total_cases_including_unknowns / chart_denominator,

# Population data from,DP05_0071E,DP05_0078E,DP05_0077E,DP05_0080E,DP05_0081E,DP05_0079E,DP05_0070E&for=us:1
pop_list = [
    60481746 / chart_denominator,
    40596040  / chart_denominator,
    196789401 / chart_denominator,
    18427914  / chart_denominator,
    565473 / chart_denominator,
    2236348 / chart_denominator,
    328239523 / chart_denominator,
percent_list = []
for i in range(len(cases_list)):
  percent_list.append(cases_list[i] / pop_list[i])
prevalence = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'group': [
    'Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander',
    'American Indian/Alaska Native',
    '*Total Including Unknowns*',
], 'percent': percent_list,
   'cases': cases_list,
   'population': pop_list,

bars = alt.Chart(prevalence).mark_bar().encode(
      x=alt.X('percent', axis=alt.Axis(format='.2%'), title=''),
      y=alt.Y('group', sort='-x', title=''),
                  alt.Tooltip('group:N', title='Race/Ethnicity Group'),
                  alt.Tooltip('percent:Q', format='.3%', title='Percent who died'),
                  alt.Tooltip('cases:Q', format=',.2f', title='Deaths in group (thousands)'),
                  alt.Tooltip('population:Q', format=',.0f', title='Population of group (thousands)'),
   title='Percent of Race/Ethnicity Group who died from COVID-19 based on more complete NCHS Data up to %s' % NCHS_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME


We can see that all of the percentages are larger due to having more complete death counts and more deaths with known race/ethnicity. In these results, 0.17% of Hispanics/Latinos and 0.20% of Black people have died from COVID-19, which is 1.5x and 1.6x the results from the CDC's Restricted Access dataset above, respectively. American Indians/Alaska Natives have the highest death rate of 0.28% — 2.2x the rate from the CDC's Restricted Access dataset.


The goal of this analysis is to assess the completeness of the CDC's Restricted Access and NCHS datasets, which will help evaluate their usefulness in examining disparities in race/ethnicity for COVID-19 deaths at the state and county levels.

The overall data completeness findings for the CDC's Restricted Access Dataset are:

  1. Data Overview: The field indicating whether the person died is only known for 52% of cases. For cases where the person died, race/ethnicity was known for 84% of deaths, as opposed to 98%-100% for all the other fields below.
In [ ]:
field_list = ['cdc_case_earliest_dt', 'current_status', 'res_state', 'res_county', 'sex', 'age_group', 'race_ethnicity_combined']
FieldAnalysis(PROJECT_ID, CDC_TABLE, field_list, 'Most Complete Fields in the CDC Restricted Access Dataset').display()
  1. Total Death Counts: The CDC's Restricted Access dataset contains 79% of the deaths reported in the New York Times (NYT) up to April 15. There's high variability at the state level with 11 states reporting fewer than 10% of deaths and eight reporting 0%.
  2. Deaths with Race/Ethnicity: Race/ethnicity data is available for 84% of deaths in the CDC dataset compared to 93% in the Covid Racial Data Tracker (CRDT). The CRDT has less variability with all but one state reporting at least 72% of deaths with race/ethnicity.

The CDC's NCHS State and NCHS County datasets come from death certificates and are more complete than the CDC's Restricted Access dataset. The NCHS State dataset contains 97% of the total deaths in the NYT and 99% of the deaths have race/ethnicity information. The NCHS also provides a high-level overview of these data on a U.S.- and state-level dashboard.

We can evaluate the overall completeness of the CDC and NCHS datasets by calculating at (1) the percent of total death counts compared to the NYT, (2) the percent of deaths with race/ethnicity, and then (3) combine those two percentages into a composite that represents the percentage of total expected deaths that have race/ethnicity. Later on, we will do this same analysis at the state and county levels.

In [ ]:
# Manually update these fields based on chart above, latest CDC data,
# and improving state/county data below.

overall_row_names = [
    'Update frequency',
    'Latest death date',
    'Deaths in dataset as of date',
    'Deaths in NYT as of date',
    '(as a % of NYT)',
    'Deaths with race/ethnicity',
    '(as a % of deaths in dataset)',
    '(composite % of NYT total with race/ethnicity)',
overall_crdt_metadata = [
    'Mar 7, 2021',
overall_cdc_metadata = [
    'Every two weeks',
    'Apr 15, 2021',
overall_nchs_state_metadata = [
    'Apr 14, 2021',
overall_nchs_county_metadata = [
    'Apr 14, 2021',
table_data = {'CRDT': overall_crdt_metadata,
              'CDC Restricted': overall_cdc_metadata,
              'NCHS State': overall_nchs_state_metadata,
              'NCHS County': overall_nchs_county_metadata,
metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(table_data, index=overall_row_names)
Out[ ]:
CRDT CDC Restricted NCHS State NCHS County
Update frequency Stopped Every two weeks Weekly Weekly
Latest death date Mar 7, 2021 Apr 15, 2021 Apr 14, 2021 Apr 14, 2021
Deaths in dataset as of date 525K 446K 546K 490K
Deaths in NYT as of date 525K 565K 564K 564K
(as a % of NYT) (100%) (79%) (97%) (87%)
Deaths with race/ethnicity 490K 373K 542K 482K
(as a % of deaths in dataset) (93%) (84%) (99%) (98%)
(composite % of NYT total with race/ethnicity) (93%) (66%) (96%) (85%)

The NCHS dataset offers an excellent alternative to the CDC's Restricted Access dataset at the state level. At the county level, the NCHS dataset only includes counties with 100 or more deaths, so it contains fewer counties than the Restricted Access dataset, but those counties account for 81% of the U.S. population. We will discuss the tradeoffs at the county level in more detail later on in this analysis.

What we didn't include in this report:

Restricted Data Completeness Analysis

Total Death Counts

Baseline: CRDT vs. NYT

To get a baseline of how much we could expect the CDC death counts to match the CRDT or NYT, we can see how closely the CRDT and NYT match each other. Each dot below is a state (hover to see details), and the black line shows where the CRDT and NYT death counts are equal.

In [ ]:
crdt_states_df =, project_id=PROJECT_ID)
crdt_states_df.set_index('state', inplace=True)

nyt_states_compare_crdt_df = CreateNYTStateDataframe(NYT_STATES_COMPARE_CRDT_QUERY)

crdt_states_df['state_fips_code'] = crdt_states_df.state
crdt_states_df = crdt_states_df.replace(to_replace={'state_fips_code': STATES_TO_FIPS})
crdt_states_df.set_index('state_fips_code', inplace=True)
nyt_crdt_counts_df = nyt_states_compare_crdt_df.join(crdt_states_df, on="state_fips_code", how='inner', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')

nyt_crdt_counts_df['percent'] = round(nyt_crdt_counts_df.crdt_cases / nyt_crdt_counts_df.nyt_cases, 2)
In [ ]:
nyt_crdt_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'nyt_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NYT deaths'},
    'y': {'name': 'crdt_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'CRDT deaths'},
    'percent': {'name': 'percent', 'format': '.2f', 'title': 'Ratio of CRDT to NYT'},
nyt_crdt_title = 'Ratio of CRDT to NYT Deaths by State up to %s' % CRDT_COMPARE_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME

    nyt_crdt_counts_df, nyt_crdt_fields_dict, nyt_crdt_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH, 'state', 'ratio'

States: CDC vs. NYT

We can see below that the CDC death counts differ from the NYT death counts more drastically than the CRDT did with only 29 states within a +/-0.15 ratio of the NYT counts. Note: In the analysis and charts below, we'll refer to the CDC Restricted Access dataset as the "CDC" dataset.

In [ ]:
cdc_states_df = CreateCDCStateDataframe(CDC_STATES_QUERY)
nyt_states_df = CreateNYTStateDataframe(NYT_STATES_QUERY)

cdc_nyt_states_df = nyt_states_df.join(cdc_states_df, on="state_fips_code", how='left', lsuffix='', rsuffix='_right')
# Fix the states that are missing from the CDC data.
cdc_nyt_states_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
cdc_nyt_states_df.state = cdc_nyt_states_df.state_name
cdc_nyt_states_df = cdc_nyt_states_df.replace(
  to_replace={'state': STATES_TO_ABBREVIATIONS})

cdc_nyt_states_df['percent'] = round(cdc_nyt_states_df.cdc_cases / cdc_nyt_states_df.nyt_cases, 4)
In [ ]:
cdc_nyt_state_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'nyt_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NYT deaths'},
    'y': {'name': 'cdc_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'CDC deaths'},
    'percent': {'name': 'percent', 'format': '.2f', 'title': 'Ratio of CDC to NYT'},
cdc_nyt_state_title = 'Ratio of CDC to NYT Deaths by State up to %s' % DATE_DISPLAY_NAME

    cdc_nyt_states_df, cdc_nyt_state_fields_dict, cdc_nyt_state_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH, 'state', 'ratio'

There are many outlier states that are too far off from the NYT death counts to be explained by a time lag:

  • 17 states: < 0.50 ratio of CDC to NYT deaths
  • 11 states: < 0.10 ratio of CDC to NYT deaths
  • 8 states: 0.00 ratio of CDC to NYT deaths (Nebraska, Maryland, Hawaii, Texas, South Dakota, New Mexico, West Virginia, Missouri)

Counties: CDC vs. NYT

We can do the same analysis at the county level. The CDC Restricted Access dataset contains 2,419 counties in the 50 states + D.C., which is 77% of all counties and accounts for 87% of the population.

Each dot is a county (hover to see details). We show all 2,413 counties in the CDC data that were also in the NYT data on the left and zoom in on the smaller counties on the right. Note that the five counties in New York City and one borough in Alaska are missing because the NYT combined them into one region for New York City and a combined region in Alaska; see the case data completeness report's Appendix for more details.

In [ ]:
# CDC vs. NYT county
cdc_counties_race_df = CreateCDCCountyRaceDataframe(CDC_COUNTIES_RACE_QUERY, 'cdc_')
nyt_counties_df = CreateNYTCountyDataframe(NYT_COUNTIES_QUERY)

cdc_nyt_counties_race_df = cdc_counties_race_df.join(nyt_counties_df, on="county_fips", how='left', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')
cdc_nyt_counties_race_df = cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.reset_index()
cdc_nyt_counties_race_df['percent'] = round(cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.cdc_cases / cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.nyt_cases, 2)
cdc_nyt_counties_race_df['cdc_known_cases_percent'] = round(cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.cdc_known_cases /
                                                            cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.cdc_cases, 2)
cdc_nyt_counties_race_df['cdc_known_or_na_cases'] = (cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.cdc_known_cases.fillna(0) +
cdc_nyt_counties_race_df['cdc_known_or_na_cases_percent'] = round(cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.cdc_known_or_na_cases /
                                                                  cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.cdc_cases, 2)

# These values are used in the num_counties table.
#print(len(cdc_counties_race_df) / 3143)
#print(cdc_counties_race_df.total_pop.sum() / 324697795)  # Population covered in these counties
#print(0.55 * 324697795) # NYT population
In [ ]:
cdc_nyt_county_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'nyt_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NYT deaths'},
    'y': {'name': 'cdc_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'CDC deaths'},
    'percent': {'name': 'percent', 'format': '.2f', 'title': 'Ratio of CDC to NYT'},
cdc_nyt_county_title = 'Ratio of CDC to NYT Deaths by County up to %s' % DATE_DISPLAY_NAME
zoom_cdc_nyt_title = 'Zoom in on counties with up to 3,000 Deaths'

cdc_nyt_county_scatter = CreateScatterPlot(
    cdc_nyt_counties_race_df, cdc_nyt_county_fields_dict, cdc_nyt_county_title, COUNTY_CASES_SCALE_MAX, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, 'county', 'ratio'
cdc_nyt_county_zoom_scatter = CreateScatterPlot(
    cdc_nyt_counties_race_df, cdc_nyt_county_fields_dict, zoom_cdc_nyt_title, COUNTY_CASES_ZOOM_SCALE_MAX, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, 'county', 'ratio'

(cdc_nyt_county_scatter | cdc_nyt_county_zoom_scatter).configure_view(
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50

We can also view these ratios on the map on the right and compare them to the state-level totals map on the left.

In [ ]:
cdc_nyt_states_title = 'Ratio of CDC to NYT Deaths by County up to %s' % DATE_DISPLAY_NAME

cdc_nyt_county_map = CreateMap(
    cdc_nyt_counties_race_df, cdc_nyt_county_fields_dict, cdc_nyt_county_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH, 'county', 'ratio'
cdc_nyt_state_map = CreateMap(
    cdc_nyt_states_df, cdc_nyt_state_fields_dict, cdc_nyt_states_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH, 'state', 'ratio'

(cdc_nyt_state_map | cdc_nyt_county_map).configure_view(
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50


  • The legend only goes to 2.0, and all counties with a larger ratio are shown in the same dark blue color.
  • States with zero deaths reported are shown in brown on the left and grey on the right.
  • A larger version of the county map for hovering over smaller counties is available in the Appendix.

Deaths with Race/Ethnicity

How much race/ethnicity information is available in the CDC data at the state and county levels?

States and Counties: CDC

In [ ]:
cdc_states_race_df = CreateCDCStateRaceDataframe(CDC_STATES_RACE_QUERY, 'cdc_')

cdc_race_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'Deaths with race/ethnicity'},
    'y': {'name': 'cdc_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'CDC deaths'},
    'percent': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'Percent deaths with race/ethnicity'},

cdc_states_race_title = 'CDC Percent of Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % DATE_DISPLAY_NAME
cdc_states_race_map = CreateMap(
    cdc_states_race_df, cdc_race_fields_dict, cdc_states_race_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH, 'state', 'percent'

cdc_counties_race_title = 'CDC Percent of Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % DATE_DISPLAY_NAME
cdc_counties_race_map = CreateMap(
    cdc_nyt_counties_race_df, cdc_race_fields_dict, cdc_counties_race_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH, 'county', 'percent'

(cdc_states_race_map | cdc_counties_race_map).configure(
    padding={"left": 0, "top": 5, "right": 0, "bottom": 5}
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50
#PrintSummaryStats(cdc_states_race_df, 'cdc_known_cases_percent')
#PrintSummaryStats(cdc_nyt_counties_race_df, 'cdc_known_cases_percent')


  • A larger version of the county maps for hovering over smaller counties is available in the Appendix.

The average percent of deaths with race/ethnicity at the state level is 71%. Only 16 states have 85% or more deaths with race/ethnicity, and 39 states have 50% or more deaths with race/ethnicity. The average percent of deaths with race/ethnicity at the county level is 73%. Only 1,119 counties have 85% or more deaths with race ethnicity, and 2,061 counties have 50% or more deaths with race/ethnicity.

States: CDC vs. CRDT

How does the CDC dataset compare to the CRDT dataset, which is the most up-to-date aggregate dataset for race/ethnicity at the state level up to March 7, 2021? Overall, 93% of the deaths in the CRDT data have race information and 91% have ethnicity information. In the CDC data up to March 7, 84% of deaths have race/ethnicity combined information.

We will use the race field in the CRDT data as a proxy for a combined race/ethnicity field. For some states, the race field is a combined race/ethnicity field that exactly matches how the CDC Restricted Access dataset reports race/ethnicity. However, the CRDT also captures the many non-standard ways that states report race/ethnicity, as described in this Covid Racial Data Tracker analysis. There's no way to do an exact comparison between the standardized race/ethnicity category in the CDC data and the many ways that race and ethnicity are reported in the CRDT. We use the race field in the CRDT dataset because it's a closer approximation of the combined race/ethnicity field than the ethnicity field.

In [ ]:
cdc_up_to_crdt_race_df = CreateCDCStateRaceDataframe(CDC_STATES_RACE_UP_TO_CRDT_QUERY, 'cdc_')
crdt_df = CreateCRDTStateRaceDataframe(CRDT_QUERY)

cdc_crdt_race_df = crdt_df.join(cdc_up_to_crdt_race_df, on="state_fips_code", how='left', lsuffix='', rsuffix='_right')
cdc_crdt_race_df['percent'] = round(cdc_crdt_race_df.cdc_known_cases / cdc_crdt_race_df.crdt_known_race_cases, 4)
In [ ]:
crdt_race_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'crdt_known_race_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'Deaths with race/ethnicity'},
    'y': {'name': 'crdt_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'CRDT deaths'},
    'percent': {'name': 'crdt_known_race_cases_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'Percent deaths with race/ethnicity'},
crdt_race_title = 'CRDT Percent of Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % CRDT_COMPARE_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME
crdt_race_map = CreateMap(
    cdc_crdt_race_df, crdt_race_fields_dict, crdt_race_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH - 5, 'state', 'percent'

cdc_states_race_up_to_crdt_title = 'CDC Percent of Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % CRDT_COMPARE_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME
cdc_states_race_up_to_crdt_map = CreateMap(
    cdc_crdt_race_df, cdc_race_fields_dict, cdc_states_race_up_to_crdt_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH, 'state', 'percent'

(cdc_states_race_up_to_crdt_map | crdt_race_map).configure(
    padding={"left": 0, "top": 5, "right": 0, "bottom": 5}
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50

#PrintSummaryStats(cdc_crdt_race_df, 'crdt_known_race_cases_percent')

Note that we only looked at CDC deaths up to March 7 when comparing against the CRDT.

We can also compare the number of deaths within each state that has known race/ethnicity instead of the percent of deaths.

In [ ]:
# Handle case of states with no deaths in CDC data.
cdc_crdt_race_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)

cdc_crdt_race_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'crdt_known_race_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'CRDT deaths with race/ethnicity'},
    'y': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'CDC deaths with race/ethnicity'},
    'percent': {'name': 'percent', 'format': '.2f', 'title': 'Ratio of CDC to CRDT'},
cdc_crdt_race_title = 'Ratio of CDC to CRDT Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % CRDT_COMPARE_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME

    cdc_crdt_race_df, cdc_crdt_race_fields_dict, cdc_crdt_race_title, CASES_RACE_SCALE_MAX, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH - 5, 'state', 'ratio'

#PrintSummaryStats(cdc_crdt_race_df[cdc_crdt_race_df.state != 'ND'])


  • North Dakota is marked as gray in the map because it has 0 deaths with race/ethnicity in the CRDT dataset.

At the state level, the CDC dataset has an average ratio of 0.67 deaths with race/ethnicity vs. the CRDT.

NCHS Data Completeness Analysis

The CDC has an alternative public source for death data with race/ethnicity at the state and county levels that comes from death certificates via the NCHS. The table below summarizes the completeness of the CDC's Restricted Access dataset vs. the NCHS State and County datasets.

In [ ]:
# Manually update these fields based on the latest CDC data.
num_counties_row_names = [   
    '(% of NYT deaths)',
    '(% of deaths with race/ethnicity)',
    '(composite % of NYT total with race/ethnicity)',
    'Number of counties',
    '(as a % of all counties)',
    'Population in those counties',
    '(as a % of total U.S population – States + D.C.)',
num_counties_cdc_metadata = [
num_counties_nchs_state_metadata = [
num_counties_nchs_county_metadata = [
table_data = {'CDC Restricted': num_counties_cdc_metadata,
              'NCHS State': num_counties_nchs_state_metadata,
              'NCHS County': num_counties_nchs_county_metadata,
metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(table_data, index=num_counties_row_names)
Out[ ]:
CDC Restricted NCHS State NCHS County
(% of NYT deaths) (79%) (97%) (87%)
(% of deaths with race/ethnicity) (84%) (99%) (98%)
(composite % of NYT total with race/ethnicity) (66%) (96%) (85%)
Number of counties 2,419 - 758
(as a % of all counties) (77%) - (24%)
Population in those counties 281M - 264M
(as a % of total U.S population – States + D.C.) (87%) - (81%)

The NCHS datasets are more complete than the CDC's Restricted Access dataset in every way except that the NCHS County dataset contains fewer counties because it only includes counties with at least 100 deaths. The American Public Media Research Lab also found that the NCHS State dataset was more complete than public health website data for 16 states.

Total Death Counts

The death counts in the NCHS datasets are fairly close to those in the NYT dataset with 45 states within a +/-0.15 ratio of the NYT counts.

In [ ]:
nchs_deaths_state_df = CreateNCHSStateDataframe(NCHS_STATES_TABLE)
nyt_states_nchs_df = CreateNYTStateDataframe(NYT_STATES_NCHS_QUERY)

nchs_nyt_states_df = nchs_deaths_state_df.join(nyt_states_nchs_df, on="state_fips_code", how='inner', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')
nchs_nyt_states_df['percent'] = round(nchs_nyt_states_df.cdc_cases / nchs_nyt_states_df.nyt_cases, 4)

nchs_deaths_counties_df = CreateNCHSCountyDataframe(NCHS_COUNTIES_QUERY)
nyt_counties_nchs_df = CreateNYTCountyDataframe(NYT_COUNTIES_NCHS_QUERY)

nchs_nyt_counties_df = nchs_deaths_counties_df.join(nyt_counties_nchs_df, on="county_fips", how='left', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')
nchs_nyt_counties_df = nchs_nyt_counties_df.reset_index()
nchs_nyt_counties_df['percent'] = round(nchs_nyt_counties_df.COVID_19_Deaths / nchs_nyt_counties_df.nyt_cases, 4)
nchs_nyt_counties_df['cdc_known_cases_percent'] = round(nchs_nyt_counties_df.total_known_cases / nchs_nyt_counties_df.COVID_19_Deaths, 4)

#print('county file deaths: ', nchs_nyt_counties_df.COVID_19_Deaths.sum())
#print('county file known race/ethnicity: ', nchs_nyt_counties_df.total_known_cases.sum())
#print('county file % known race/ethnicity: ', nchs_nyt_counties_df.total_known_cases.sum() / nchs_nyt_counties_df.COVID_19_Deaths.sum())
#print('total counties: ', len(nchs_nyt_counties_df))
#print('as % of counties: ', len(nchs_nyt_counties_df) / 3143)
#print('population in counties: ', nchs_nyt_counties_df.total_pop.sum())
#print('as % of total population: ', nchs_nyt_counties_df.total_pop.sum() / 324697795)  # Population covered in these counties
#print('state file deaths: ', nchs_nyt_states_df.cdc_cases.sum())
#print('state file known race/ethnicity: ', nchs_nyt_states_df.cdc_known_cases.sum())
#print('state file % known race/ethnicity: ', nchs_nyt_states_df.cdc_known_cases.sum() / nchs_nyt_states_df.cdc_cases.sum())
In [ ]:
nchs_nyt_state_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'nyt_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NYT deaths'},
    'y': {'name': 'cdc_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NCHS deaths'},
    'percent': {'name': 'percent', 'format': '.2f', 'title': 'Ratio of NCHS to NYT'},
nchs_nyt_state_title = 'Ratio of NCHS to NYT Deaths up to %s' % NCHS_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME

    nchs_nyt_states_df, nchs_nyt_state_fields_dict, nchs_nyt_state_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH, 'state', 'ratio'

When we compare death counts at the county level, we can see that the NCHS County dataset only contains a subset of U.S. counties (758 or 24% of all counties). We can also see that these counties are generally those with larger populations (counties with at least 100 deaths).

In [ ]:
nchs_nyt_county_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'nyt_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NYT deaths'},
    'y': {'name': 'COVID_19_Deaths', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NCHS deaths'},
    'percent': {'name': 'percent', 'format': '.2f', 'title': 'Ratio of NCHS to NYT'},
nchs_nyt_county_title = 'Ratio of NCHS to NYT Deaths up to %s' % NCHS_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME

nchs_nyt_county_map = CreateScatterPlotAndMap(
    nchs_nyt_counties_df, nchs_nyt_county_fields_dict, nchs_nyt_county_title, COUNTY_CASES_SCALE_MAX, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH, 'county', 'ratio'

    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50

Deaths with Race/Ethnicity

In the charts and maps below, we can see that the NCHS datasets have a strikingly high percentage of deaths with known race/ethnicity.

In [ ]:
nchs_known_state_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'Known race/ethnicity deaths'},
    'y': {'name': 'cdc_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NCHS deaths'},
    'percent': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'Percent known deaths'},

nchs_known_state_title = 'NCHS Deaths with Known Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % NCHS_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME
nchs_known_state_map = CreateMap(
    nchs_nyt_states_df, nchs_known_state_fields_dict, nchs_known_state_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH - 5, 'state', 'percent'

nchs_known_county_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'total_known_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'Known race/ethnicity deaths'},
    'y': {'name': 'COVID_19_Deaths', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NCHS deaths'},
    'percent': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'Percent known deaths'},
nchs_known_county_title = 'NCHS Deaths with Known Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % NCHS_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME
nchs_known_county_map = CreateMap(
    nchs_nyt_counties_df, nchs_known_county_fields_dict, nchs_known_county_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH - 5, 'county', 'percent'

(nchs_known_state_map | nchs_known_county_map).configure_view(
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50
#PrintSummaryStats(nchs_nyt_states_df, field='cdc_known_cases_percent')
#PrintSummaryStats(nchs_nyt_counties_df, field='cdc_known_cases_percent')

At the state level, the average percent of deaths with race/ethnicity is 99% vs. 97% at the county level. The minimum percentage of deaths with race/ethnicity at the state level is 89% in Hawaii and 81% at the county level.


  • The NCHS State dataset had both counts and percentages of deaths from COVID-19 within each race/ethnicity group but not a total deaths count. There was an "Other" category that includes "More than one race or Unknown," and we treated that entire category as Unknown race/ethnicity. The percentages for all the categories including Other didn't always add up to 100%, so we treated the remaining percentage as Unknowns as well (data for a group can be suppressed if that group had fewer than 10 deaths).
  • The NCHS County dataset included only percentages of deaths from COVID-19 within each race/ethnicity group, but it did include a total count per county so that we could calculate counts.

We can see below that the NCHS State dataset has more consistently high percentages of race/ethnicity than the CRDT by comparing the NCHS data up to March 3, which was the closest release date of the NCHS data to the Covid Tracking Project's last data collection on March 7.

In [ ]:
nchs_up_to_crdt_race_df = CreateNCHSStateDataframe(NCHS_STATES_CRDT_COMPARE_TABLE)
nchs_crdt_df = CreateCRDTStateRaceDataframe(CRDT_NCHS_QUERY)

nchs_crdt_race_df = nchs_up_to_crdt_race_df.join(nchs_crdt_df, on="state_fips_code", how='inner', lsuffix='', rsuffix='_right')
nchs_crdt_race_df['percent'] = round(nchs_crdt_race_df.cdc_known_cases / nchs_crdt_race_df.crdt_known_race_cases, 4)
In [ ]:
nchs_race_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'Deaths with race/ethnicity'},
    'y': {'name': 'cdc_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NCHS deaths'},
    'percent': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'Percent deaths with race/ethnicity'},
nchs_crdt_race_title = 'CRDT Percent Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % CRDT_COMPARE_NCHS_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME
nchs_crdt_race_map = CreateMap(
    nchs_crdt_race_df, crdt_race_fields_dict, nchs_crdt_race_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH - 5, 'state', 'percent'

nchs_states_race_up_to_crdt_title = 'NCHS Percent of Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % CRDT_COMPARE_NCHS_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME
nchs_states_race_up_to_crdt_map = CreateMap(
    nchs_crdt_race_df, nchs_race_fields_dict, nchs_states_race_up_to_crdt_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH, 'state', 'percent'

(nchs_states_race_up_to_crdt_map | nchs_crdt_race_map).configure(
    padding={"left": 0, "top": 5, "right": 0, "bottom": 5}
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50

#PrintSummaryStats(nchs_crdt_race_df, 'crdt_known_race_cases_percent')

We can compare these percentages more directly by taking the ratio of the count of deaths with race/ethnicity in each dataset at the state level.

In [ ]:
nchs_crdt_ratio_race_fields_dict = {
    'x': {'name': 'crdt_known_race_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'CRDT deaths with race/ethnicity'},
    'y': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases', 'format': ',', 'title': 'NCHS deaths with race/ethnicity'},
    'percent': {'name': 'percent', 'format': '.2f', 'title': 'Ratio of NCHS to CRDT'},
nchs_crdt_ratio_race_title = 'Ratio of NCHS to CRDT Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % CRDT_COMPARE_NCHS_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME

    nchs_crdt_race_df, nchs_crdt_ratio_race_fields_dict, nchs_crdt_ratio_race_title, CASES_RACE_SCALE_MAX, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH - 5, 'state', 'ratio'
#PrintSummaryStats(nchs_crdt_race_df[nchs_crdt_race_df.state != 'ND'])


  • South Dakota is marked as gray in the map because it has 0 deaths with known race/ethnicity in CRDT vs. 1.6K deaths in the NCHS data.

The ratio of NCHS deaths with race/ethnicity to CRDT deaths with race/ethnicity is between +/-0.15 for 38 states and +/-0.50 for 47 states.

How to Use the State and County Data

How can we use these datasets at the state and county levels?

When using these datasets, we recommend being transparent about the level of completeness or lack thereof in (1) the total death counts, and (2) the percentage of deaths with race/ethnicity. Just like we created a composite measure of the overall datasets along these lines, we do the same at the state and county levels in the charts below. You can think of these as "nutrition facts" labels for each state and county's data.

We also recommend looking at the race/ethnicity breakdowns within each state or county to see if race/ethnicity information is missing disproportionately from one group. If states or counties' data are too incomplete to draw conclusions from, you may want to exclude them entirely from your analyses. You may also find it useful to include unknowns to highlight the incompleteness in the data.

The scatterplots below can help show the completeness issues in each state and county. The scatterplots show (1) death counts as a percentage of the NYT total death counts on the y-axis, and (2) the percentage of deaths with known race/ethnicity on the x-axis. The colors of the dots and states on the map show the composite completeness measure by multiplying those two numbers together, which is the composite percentage of total expected deaths that have race/ethnicity in the datasets (blue is more complete and red is less complete).

  • Bottom left quadrant: Low percentage of deaths reported, low availability of race/ethnicity.
  • Top left quadrant: Mid-to-high percentage of deaths reported, low availability of race/ethnicity.
  • Bottom right quadrant: Low percentage of deaths reported, mid-to-high availability of race/ethnicity.
  • Top right quadrant: Mid-to-high percentage of deaths reported, mid-to-high availability of race/ethnicity.
In [ ]:
cdc_crdt_race_df = cdc_up_to_crdt_race_df.join(crdt_df, on="state_fips_code", how='right', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')

nyt_crdt_counts_df.set_index('state_fips_code', inplace=True)
cdc_crdt_race_df.set_index('state_fips_code', inplace=True)
cdc_crdt_race_df_composite = nyt_crdt_counts_df.join(cdc_crdt_race_df, on="state_fips_code", how='inner', lsuffix='', rsuffix='_right')

cdc_crdt_race_df_composite['percent'] = round(cdc_crdt_race_df_composite.crdt_cases / cdc_crdt_race_df_composite.nyt_cases, 2)
cdc_crdt_race_df_composite['cases_max_100_percent'] = cdc_crdt_race_df_composite.percent.clip(upper=1)
cdc_crdt_race_df_composite['composite_percent'] = cdc_crdt_race_df_composite.cases_max_100_percent * cdc_crdt_race_df_composite.crdt_known_race_cases_percent

crdt_composite_fields_dict = {
    'y': {'name': 'cases_max_100_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'CRDT percent of NYT total deaths'},
    'x': {'name': 'crdt_known_race_cases_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'CRDT percent with race/ethnicity'},
    'percent': {'name': 'composite_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'Composite: CRDT percent of NYT total with race/ethnicity'},
crdt_composite_title = 'CRDT Percent of NYT Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % CRDT_COMPARE_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME

state_composite_map = CreateScatterPlotAndMap(
    cdc_crdt_race_df_composite, crdt_composite_fields_dict, crdt_composite_title, 1, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH, 'state', 'percent'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50
#PrintSummaryStats(cdc_crdt_race_df_composite, 'composite_percent')
In [ ]:
cdc_nyt_states_race_df = cdc_states_race_df.join(nyt_states_df, on="state_fips_code", how='inner', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')

cdc_nyt_states_race_df['percent'] = round(cdc_nyt_states_race_df.cdc_cases / cdc_nyt_states_race_df.nyt_cases, 2)
cdc_nyt_states_race_df['cases_max_100_percent'] = cdc_nyt_states_race_df.percent.clip(upper=1)
cdc_nyt_states_race_df['composite_percent'] = cdc_nyt_states_race_df.cases_max_100_percent * cdc_nyt_states_race_df.cdc_known_cases_percent

composite_fields_dict = {
    'y': {'name': 'cases_max_100_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'CDC percent of NYT total deaths'},
    'x': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'CDC percent with race/ethnicity'},
    'percent': {'name': 'composite_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'Composite: CDC percent of NYT total with race/ethnicity'},
composite_title = 'CDC Percent of NYT Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % DATE_DISPLAY_NAME

state_composite_map = CreateScatterPlotAndMap(
    cdc_nyt_states_race_df, composite_fields_dict, composite_title, 1, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH, 'state', 'percent'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50
# Mind the missing states for percentages.
#PrintSummaryStats(cdc_nyt_states_race_df, 'composite_percent')
In [ ]:
nchs_nyt_states_df['cases_max_100_percent'] = nchs_nyt_states_df.percent.clip(upper=1)
nchs_nyt_states_df['composite_percent'] = nchs_nyt_states_df.cases_max_100_percent * nchs_nyt_states_df.cdc_known_cases_percent
nchs_composite_title = 'NHCS Percent of NYT Deaths with Race/Ethnicity up to %s' % NCHS_DATE_DISPLAY_NAME

nchs_composite_fields_dict = {
    'y': {'name': 'cases_max_100_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'NCHS percent of NYT total deaths'},
    'x': {'name': 'cdc_known_cases_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'NCHS percent with race/ethnicity'},
    'percent': {'name': 'composite_percent', 'format': '.0%', 'title': 'Composite: NCHS percent of NYT total with race/ethnicity'},

state_composite_map = CreateScatterPlotAndMap(
    nchs_nyt_states_df, nchs_composite_fields_dict, nchs_composite_title, 1, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH, 'state', 'percent'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50
#PrintSummaryStats(nchs_nyt_states_df, 'composite_percent')


  • All states or counties with > 100% of the total deaths in the NYT data were capped at 100%.

To compare these three datasets, we can look at how many states have a composite completeness measure of at least 50% and at least 85%.

In [ ]:
# Manually update these fields based on the latest CDC data.
states_row_names = [
    'Number of states with composite >= 50%',
    '(as a percent of all states + D.C.)',
    'Number of states with composite >= 85%',
    '(as a percent of all states + D.C.)',
states_crdt_metadata = [
states_cdc_metadata = [
states_nchs_metadata = [
table_data = {
    'CRDT': states_crdt_metadata,
    'CDC Restricted': states_cdc_metadata,
    'NCHS State': states_nchs_metadata,
metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(table_data, index=states_row_names)
Out[ ]:
CRDT CDC Restricted NCHS State
Number of states with composite >= 50% 50 33 51
(as a percent of all states + D.C.) (98%) (65%) (100%)
Number of states with composite >= 85% 47 14 47
(as a percent of all states + D.C.) (92%) (27%) (92%)

If we require that states or counties have 50% of the total expected deaths with race/ethnicity, we can use 50 states from CRDT, 33 states from CDC Restricted, and 51 states from NCHS State. If we tighten that requirement to 85% of total expected deaths with race/ethnicity, we can use 47 states from CRDT, 14 states from CDC Restricted, and 47 states from NCHS State.

We can look at the same scatterplots and maps at the county level for the NCHS County and CDC datasets.

In [ ]:
cdc_nyt_counties_race_df['cases_max_100_percent'] = cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.percent.clip(upper=1)
cdc_nyt_counties_race_df['composite_percent'] = cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.cases_max_100_percent * cdc_nyt_counties_race_df.cdc_known_cases_percent

county_composite_map = CreateScatterPlotAndMap(
    cdc_nyt_counties_race_df, composite_fields_dict, composite_title, 1, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH, 'county', 'percent'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50

#PrintSummaryStats(cdc_nyt_counties_race_df, field='composite_percent')
#greater_than_85_df = cdc_nyt_counties_race_df[cdc_nyt_counties_race_df['composite_percent'] > .85]
#print('total pop > 85%: ', greater_than_85_df.total_pop.sum(), greater_than_85_df.total_pop.sum() / 328239523)
#greater_than_50_df = cdc_nyt_counties_race_df[cdc_nyt_counties_race_df['composite_percent'] > .50]
#print('total pop > 50%: ', greater_than_50_df.total_pop.sum(), greater_than_50_df.total_pop.sum() / 328239523)
#print('total counties: 3143')
In [ ]:
nchs_nyt_counties_df['cases_max_100_percent'] = nchs_nyt_counties_df.percent.clip(upper=1)
nchs_nyt_counties_df['composite_percent'] = nchs_nyt_counties_df.cases_max_100_percent * nchs_nyt_counties_df.cdc_known_cases_percent

county_composite_map = CreateScatterPlotAndMap(
    nchs_nyt_counties_df, nchs_composite_fields_dict, nchs_composite_title, 1, SCATTER_HEIGHT, SCATTER_WIDTH, MAP_WIDTH, 'county', 'percent'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50

#PrintSummaryStats(nchs_nyt_counties_df, field='composite_percent')
#greater_than_85_df = nchs_nyt_counties_df[nchs_nyt_counties_df['composite_percent'] > .85]
#print('total pop > 85%: ', greater_than_85_df.total_pop.sum(), greater_than_85_df.total_pop.sum() / 328239523)
#greater_than_50_df = nchs_nyt_counties_df[nchs_nyt_counties_df['composite_percent'] > .50]
#print('total pop > 50%: ', greater_than_50_df.total_pop.sum(), greater_than_50_df.total_pop.sum() / 328239523)
#print('total counties: 3143')


  • All states or counties with > 100% of the total deaths in the NYT data were capped at 100%.
  • A larger version of the county map for hovering over smaller counties is available in the Appendix.
In [ ]:
# Manually update these fields based on the latest CDC data.
counties_row_names = [
    'Number of counties with composite >= 50%',
    '(as a percent of all counties)',
    'Number of counties with composite >= 85%',
    '(as a percent of all counties)',
    'Population in counties with composite >= 50%',
    '(as a % of total U.S population – States + D.C.)',
    'Population in counties with composite >= 85%',
    '(as a % of total U.S population – States + D.C.)',
counties_crdt_metadata = [
counties_cdc_metadata = [
counties_nchs_metadata = [
table_data = {
    'CRDT': counties_crdt_metadata,
    'CDC Restricted': counties_cdc_metadata,
    'NCHS County': counties_nchs_metadata,
metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(table_data, index=counties_row_names)
Out[ ]:
CRDT CDC Restricted NCHS County
Number of counties with composite >= 50% - 1,639 737
(as a percent of all counties) - (52%) (23%)
Number of counties with composite >= 85% - 800 549
(as a percent of all counties) - (25%) (17%)
Population in counties with composite >= 50% - 210M 253M
(as a % of total U.S population – States + D.C.) - (64%) (77%)
Population in counties with composite >= 85% - 146M 208M
(as a % of total U.S population – States + D.C.) - (45%) (63%)

If we require that states or counties have 50% of the total expected deaths with race/ethnicity, we can use 1,639 counties from the CDC Restricted dataset that account for 64% of the population or 737 counties from the NCHS County dataset that account for 77% of the U.S. population. If we tighten that requirement to 85% of total expected deaths with race/ethnicity, we can use 800 counties from the CDC Restricted dataset that account for 45% of the U.S. population or 549 counties from the NCHS County dataset that account for 63% of the U.S. population.

The NCHS datasets are more complete than the CDC Restricted Access dataset in almost every way: 98%-99% of the deaths reported have race/ethnicity, they contain 87%-97% of death counts in the NYT, and they are updated once a week rather than once every two weeks.

However, there are a few tradeoffs with using the NCHS State dataset:

  • The dataset includes historical timeseries data by month, year, and cumulative (only cumulative numbers were published until April 2021).
  • Age and sex data are available at the state level only in a separate dataset. All the NCHS datasets are listed at the CDC's NCHS site.

There are a few additional tradeoffs with using the NCHS County dataset:

  • Only 24% of counties are included in the county dataset even though those counties account for 81% of the U.S. population.
  • The NCHS County dataset should not be used at the state or U.S. levels due to the exclusion of counties with fewer than 100 COVID-19 deaths, which are generally counties with small populations. The NCHS State dataset should be used instead.
  • The data are cumulative, so you will not be able to analyze deaths over time unless you collect the weekly updates from the NCHS.


Territory data completeness

We didn't show data for territories in the maps above due to limitations in the map visualizations. Here are the details on data completeness for the territories included in the CDC Restricted Access Dataset. Note that the dataset didn't include any cases in American Samoa.

In [ ]:
cdc_states_df = CreateCDCStateDataframe(CDC_STATES_QUERY)
nyt_states_df = CreateNYTStateDataframe(NYT_STATES_QUERY, include_territories=True)

cdc_nyt_states_df = cdc_states_df.join(nyt_states_df, on="state_fips_code", how='inner', lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')
cdc_nyt_states_df['percent'] = round(cdc_nyt_states_df.cdc_cases / cdc_nyt_states_df.nyt_cases, 4)
cdc_nyt_states_df.set_index('state', inplace=True)

cdc_states_race_df = CreateCDCStateRaceDataframe(CDC_STATES_RACE_QUERY, 'cdc_', include_territories=True)
cdc_states_race_df.set_index('state', inplace=True)

row_names = [
    'CDC deaths',
    'NYT deaths',
    '(CDC as a % of NYT deaths)',
    'Deaths with race/ethnicity',
    '(% with race/ethnicity)',
    '(composite % of NYT total with race/ethnicity)'
cdc_cases = [cdc_nyt_states_df.loc[territory].cdc_cases for territory in TERRITORIES[:-1]]
cdc_cases = [float(i) for i in cdc_cases]
nyt_cases = [cdc_nyt_states_df.loc[territory].nyt_cases for territory in TERRITORIES[:-1]]
nyt_cases = [float(i) for i in nyt_cases]
nyt_percent = [str(round(cdc_nyt_states_df.loc[territory].percent * 100)) + '%' for territory in TERRITORIES[:-1]]
race_ethnicity_cases = [cdc_states_race_df.loc[territory].cdc_known_cases for territory in TERRITORIES[:-1]]
race_ethnicity_percent = [str(round(cdc_states_race_df.loc[territory].cdc_known_cases_percent * 100)) + '%' for territory in TERRITORIES[:-1]]
composite_percent = [str(round(cdc_nyt_states_df.loc[territory].percent * cdc_states_race_df.loc[territory].cdc_known_cases_percent * 100)) + '%' for territory in TERRITORIES[:-1]]

territories_data = list(zip(cdc_cases,
table_data = {'Puerto Rico': territories_data[0], 'Guam': territories_data[1], 'Virgin Islands': territories_data[2], 'Northern Mariana Islands': territories_data[3]}
territories_df = pd.DataFrame(table_data, index=row_names)

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.0f}'.format
Out[ ]:
Puerto Rico Guam Virgin Islands Northern Mariana Islands
CDC deaths 2,204 109 26 2
NYT deaths 2,182 137 26 2
(CDC as a % of NYT deaths) 101% 80% 100% 100%
Deaths with race/ethnicity 63 84 10 0
(% with race/ethnicity) 3% 77% 38% 0%
(composite % of NYT total with race/ethnicity) 3% 61% 38% 0%

Comparison of CRDT, CDC Restricted, and NCHS datasets

Here is the full comparison between the CRDT, CDC Restricted, NCHS State, and NCHS County datasets. Parts of this table appear in the paper above; this consolidates them into all one place for a full overview.

In [ ]:
table_data = {'CRDT': overall_crdt_metadata + (len(num_counties_cdc_metadata) - 3) * ['-'] + states_crdt_metadata + counties_crdt_metadata,
              'CDC Restricted': overall_cdc_metadata + num_counties_cdc_metadata[3:] + states_cdc_metadata + counties_cdc_metadata,
              'NCHS State': overall_nchs_state_metadata + num_counties_nchs_state_metadata[3:] + states_nchs_metadata + len(counties_nchs_metadata) * ['-'],
              'NCHS County': overall_nchs_county_metadata + num_counties_nchs_county_metadata[3:] + len(states_nchs_metadata) * ['-'] + counties_nchs_metadata
metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(table_data, index=overall_row_names + num_counties_row_names[3:] + states_row_names + counties_row_names)
Out[ ]:
CRDT CDC Restricted NCHS State NCHS County
Update frequency Stopped Every two weeks Weekly Weekly
Latest death date Mar 7, 2021 Apr 15, 2021 Apr 14, 2021 Apr 14, 2021
Deaths in dataset as of date 525K 446K 546K 490K
Deaths in NYT as of date 525K 565K 564K 564K
(as a % of NYT) (100%) (79%) (97%) (87%)
Deaths with race/ethnicity 490K 373K 542K 482K
(as a % of deaths in dataset) (93%) (84%) (99%) (98%)
(composite % of NYT total with race/ethnicity) (93%) (66%) (96%) (85%)
Number of counties - 2,419 - 758
(as a % of all counties) - (77%) - (24%)
Population in those counties - 281M - 264M
(as a % of total U.S population – States + D.C.) - (87%) - (81%)
Number of states with composite >= 50% 50 33 51 -
(as a percent of all states + D.C.) (98%) (65%) (100%) -
Number of states with composite >= 85% 47 14 47 -
(as a percent of all states + D.C.) (92%) (27%) (92%) -
Number of counties with composite >= 50% - 1,639 - 737
(as a percent of all counties) - (52%) - (23%)
Number of counties with composite >= 85% - 800 - 549
(as a percent of all counties) - (25%) - (17%)
Population in counties with composite >= 50% - 210M - 253M
(as a % of total U.S population – States + D.C.) - (64%) - (77%)
Population in counties with composite >= 85% - 146M - 208M
(as a % of total U.S population – States + D.C.) - (45%) - (63%)

Large county maps

To make it easier to hover over small counties, here are larger versions of the county maps that appeared in this report.

In [ ]:
    cdc_nyt_counties_race_df, cdc_nyt_county_fields_dict, cdc_nyt_county_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT * 2, MAP_WIDTH * 2, 'county', 'ratio'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50
In [ ]:
    cdc_nyt_counties_race_df, cdc_race_fields_dict, cdc_counties_race_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT * 2, MAP_WIDTH * 2, 'county', 'percent'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50
In [ ]:
    nchs_nyt_counties_df, nchs_nyt_county_fields_dict, nchs_nyt_county_title, COUNTY_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT * 2, MAP_WIDTH * 2, 'county', 'ratio'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50
In [ ]:
    nchs_nyt_counties_df, nchs_known_county_fields_dict, nchs_known_county_title, TOTAL_CASES_SCALE_MAX, MAP_HEIGHT * 2, MAP_WIDTH * 2, 'county', 'percent'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50
In [ ]:
    cdc_nyt_counties_race_df, composite_fields_dict, composite_title, 1, MAP_HEIGHT * 2, MAP_WIDTH * 2, 'county', 'percent'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50
In [ ]:
    nchs_nyt_counties_df, nchs_composite_fields_dict, nchs_composite_title, 1, MAP_HEIGHT * 2, MAP_WIDTH * 2, 'county', 'percent'
    gradientLength=MAP_HEIGHT - 50

Geographic Notes

The NCHS state dataset had separate rows for New York State and New York City; we combined them into New York State.

Data Citations and Disclaimers

  • CDC data full citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 Response. COVID-19 Case Surveillance Data Access, Summary, and Limitations (version date: April 30, 2021).
  • Per the CDC data agreement: The CDC does not take responsibility for the scientific validity or accuracy of methodology, results, statistical analyses, or conclusions presented.
  • NCHS Data: State, County, and dataset index. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), National Vital Statistics System. Estimates are based on provisional data.
  • Population data: U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey 2019 5-year estimates accessed via API; e.g., sample query.
  • Covid Racial Data Tracker data: Available in a public spreadsheet.
  • New York Times data: Available as a public CSV file or via Google Cloud Public Datasets.

Contact information

Please email us at with questions or comments.

In [ ]:
#jupyter nbconvert --to html 'cdc_death_data.ipynb'